Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Decision Manager

Chapter 4. Managing Red Hat Decision Manager on OpenShift

You can scale Decision Server on OpenShift as necessary.

Do not scale Decision Central on OpenShift. If you deploy Decision Central and Decision Server and then scale Decision Server, the Decision Central automatically manages all the copies of Decision Server.

4.1. Updating your decision service

When you want to update to a new version of your decision service, you can either use the existing pod to deploy the new version or create a new pod.

To change the decision service in an existing pod, you must manage the Decision Server using Decision Central, a controller, or the API. In this case, changes are handled the same way as in an on-premise deployment without containers.

If you want to use a typical container application lifecycle, build a new pod to update your decision service. The Source to Image (S2I) deployment is usually most convenient for this solution.


A server deployed with S2I does not support changing the decision service using Decision Central, a controller, or the API. To change the decision service, build a new S2I image.

To update a service on the same URL alias, use the recreate strategy. Decision Server does not support the rolling strategy.