Chapter 17. Cache Stores

The cache store connects Red Hat JBoss Data Grid to the persistent data store. Cache stores are associated with individual caches. Different caches attached to the same cache manager can have different cache store configurations.

17.1. Cache Loaders and Cache Writers

Integration with the persistent store is done through the following SPIs located in org.infinispan.persistence.spi:
  • CacheLoader
  • CacheWriter
  • AdvancedCacheLoader
  • AdvancedCacheWriter
CacheLoader and CacheWriter provide basic methods for reading and writing to a store. CacheLoader retrieves data from a data store when the required data is not present in the cache.
AdvancedCacheLoader and AdvancedCacheWriter provide operations to manipulate the underlaying storage in bulk: parallel iteration and purging of expired entries, clear and size.
org.infinispan.persistence.file.SingleFileStore can be used as a starting point when writing a custom interface.


Previously, JBoss Data Grid used the old API (CacheLoader, extended by CacheStore), which is also still available.