19.7. Registry Page


You view the status and manage registered services in the Registry page. You can view the details and monitor the status for entities such as clusters, servlets, webapps, and repositories.


The following image shows an example of the Registry page:
The Registry page contains the following sections:
Navigation Bar
Breadcrumb view of the location in the service list.
Service List
List view of the registered services.

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar shows a breadcrumb view of the location in the service list. Each node in the hierarchy appears as a link. You can click each link to drill up in the hierarchy. By default, the Registry page shows the clusters node.

Service List

The service list shows registered services in folders. Click the folder to drill down to the service details.
When you drill down to service details, you can view the following general properties:
Identifier of the service.
Name of the container that uses the service.
URL of the service.
Each service can show additional properties based on the type of service and the profile that runs the container.