10.2.8. About XA Recovery

The Java Transaction API (JTA) allows distributed transactions across multiple X/Open XA resources. XA stands for Extended Architecture which was developed by the X/Open Group to define a transaction which uses more than one back-end data store. The XA standard describes the interface between a global Transaction Manager (TM) and a local resource manager. XA allows multiple resources, such as application servers, databases, caches, and message queues, to participate in the same transaction, while preserving atomicity of the transaction. Atomicity means that if one of the participants fails to commit its changes, the other participants abort the transaction, and restore their state to the same status as before the transaction occurred.
XA Recovery is the process of ensuring that all resources affected by a transaction are updated or rolled back, even if any of the resources are transaction participants crash or become unavailable. Within the scope of JBoss EAP 6, the Transaction subsystem provides the mechanisms for XA Recovery to any XA resources or subsystems which use them, such as XA datasources, JMS message queues, and JCA resource adapters.
XA Recovery happens without user intervention. In the event of an XA Recovery failure, errors are recorded in the log output. Contact Red Hat Global Support Services if you need assistance.