3.5.3. Packaging A Service

After testing your service, it is time to package it up so that others can use it. The simplest way to do this is to create a JAR containing all of the classes. You can choose to include the deployment descriptor if there is a sensible default way to configure the service, but this is optional.

Procedure 3.1. Packaging a Service

  1. Place the deployment descriptor in the META-INF directory (optional)

    If you do choose to include the deployment descriptor, by convention it should be named jboss-beans.xml and should be placed in a META-INF directory. This is the default layout for the Enterprise Platform, so the JAR deployer recognizes this layout and automatically performs the deployment.
    The deployment descriptor is not included in the Human Resources example, because the service is configured by editing the descriptor directly, as a separate file.
  2. Generate the JAR

    To generate a JAR containing all of the compiled classes, enter mvn package from the humanResourcesService/ directory.
  3. Make the JAR available to other Maven projects

    To make the JAR available to other Maven projects, enter mvn install in order to copy it to your local Maven repository. The final layout of the JAR is shown in Example 3.3, “Listing of the org/jboss/example/service and META-INFDirectories”.

Example 3.3. Listing of the org/jboss/example/service and META-INFDirectories

`-- org
    `-- jboss
        `-- example
            `-- service
                |-- Address.java
                |-- Employee.java
                |-- HRManager.java
                `-- util
                    |-- AgeBasedSalaryStrategy.java
                    |-- LocationBasedSalaryStrategy.java
                    `-- SalaryStrategy.java
    `-- maven
        `-- org.jboss.micrcontainer.examples
	        `-- humanResourceService


The META-INF/maven directory is automatically created by Maven, and will not be present if you are using a different build system.