[Solved] Ensure the images directory exists - AAP 2.5
I am installing AAP Containerized onto RHEL 8.10. After downloading and untaring the bundle, i configured the inventory-growth file for a stand-alone install.
Renamed the file to inventory and ran the install command:
sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory ansible.containerized_installer.install
This runs to a point then errors out at:
TASK [ansible.containerized_installer.preflight : Ensure the images directory exists] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 11 November 2024 22:25:40 -0800 (0:00:00.202) 0:00:03.033 *******
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"assertion": "_bundle_images.stat.exists | bool",
"changed": false,
"evaluated_to": false,
"msg": "The bundle directory must contain an images directory"
Any ideas on what is causing this? I have attached the invertory file and screenshots.
Since this is a test install I can share sensitive information.