Jboss EAP operator on Open Shift - EAPs with multiple war deployments
We're looking at the Jboss EAP operator for Open Shift.
The s2i examples for preparing jboss EAP use one git repository.
(eg Philip Hayes demos)
How about scenarios where a customer uses jboss eap with several
wars deployed which are built as individual maven projects for JEE applications?
These are not in a maven multi-module at the moment.
The use case is to re-platform first without refactoring out modules to microservices.
This requires a build which would provide
1) a base configuration for jboss eap
2) add some war files to the deployment folder
3) install modules from an external-modules folder
4) add relevant subsystems
The best way forward would probably be a script,
which would pick up on the war files
In s2i, a CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES setting with an install.sh pointing to the folders where the .war files are could be used.
If the build for EAP is becoming more complex, would we be better off using a Dockerfile build strategy?
Are there any demo examples of more complex configurations for the jboss eap operator for multiple wars with s2i?
Thank you