Convert2rhel : abnormal exit on Searching for packages containing .repo

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I have an strange issue for converting an centos 7 to rhel 7

During the process i have a warning at this step :

[2024-07-02T17:46:59+0000] TASK - [Prepare: Searching for packages containing .repo files or affecting variables in the .repo files]
centos-release .................................. 0

No packages to backup and remove.
Writing breadcrumbs to '/etc/migration-results'.
Writing RHSM custom facts to '/etc/rhsm/facts/convert2rhel.facts'.
[2024-07-02T17:47:00+0000] DEBUG - Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/convert2rhel/", line 148, in main_locked
pre_conversion_results = actions.run_pre_actions()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/convert2rhel/actions/", line 755, in run_pre_actions
results =
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/convert2rhel/actions/", line 600, in run
successes, failures, skips =, failures, skips)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/convert2rhel/actions/", line 587, in run
if action.result.level <= STATUS_CODE["WARNING"]:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'level'

Skipping updating RHSM custom facts.
WARNING - Abnormal exit! Performing rollback ...

I don't know what is going on cause i have made this upgrade on other server without any problems.

I use local repo and the centos is up to date
the last command I use is :
convert2rhel --enablerepo local-rhel7 --no-rhsm --no-rpm-va --debug

the version of convert2rhel is 2.0.0
