OpenShift Local (Minishift) on Windows 11 Pro with Hyper V
I have a laptop Windows 11 Pro,intel i7, 16gb ram, Hyper -v and used openshift local to install minishift. I was expecting the installer to make it seemless but little did I know!! After reading lots of blogs and articles and trying umpteen things it has been a frustrating experience and if you want developers and others to try it locally it will possibly put them off!!!
One of the main problems I have found is minishift starts on but a vm if you try and use a network adapter gets an assigned IP from DHCP in the 192 range. I noticed there was no networking adapter in the VM so in one of the blogs it mentions creating a loop back adapter which avoids all the Hyper-v complexities of a virtual switch and bridge. Anything to make it simpler.
This is probably the closest I have got to starting minishift after umpteen attempts as it doesn’t report any errors .
1) I have SSH connectivity but when I try and remote into the box says access denied when I try developer account
2) The urls don’t seem to work either some about authorisation
It would of been good if there was a command line switch in crc to tell it to start on a different ip address
Such as “crc start –network-address
Happy to run with logging on and send over to see where the issues are