Boot RHEL 9.2 (kernel 5.14) from USB and run OS completely from RAM only

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I'm new to this part and have by the help from using Google and ChatGPT made it halfway to complete this goal but I have missed something on the way because when trying to boot "Boot RHEL 9.2 from USB and Run from RAM" in the GRUB menu I get a message that my kernel can't be found even though the right kernel is written in the sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom.

Here is the situation:

I have a computer without a harddrive and I installed RHEL 9.2 on a 64GB USB stick which I use as a disk to boot up the OS. The goal is to boot up the OS completely togehter with the programs I have installed and then be able to remove the USB stick and still have the system running without issues. Has anyone done this or know where I may be able to find the right instruction?

Best regards
