Installing Openshift IPI method on aws, ERROR and failed

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Hi, I'm trying to setup an openshift cluster on AWS with IPI method.
I have created the following install-config.yaml:
AdditionalTrustBundlePolicy: ProxyOnly
apiVersion: v1
credentialsMode: Manual
hyperthreading: Enabled
name: master
iamRole: openshift-ec2-role
- eu-south-1a
iops: 4000
size: 500
type: io1
authentication: Optional
type: t3.2xlarge
replicas: 1
- hyperthreading: Enabled
name: worker
iops: 2000
size: 500
type: io1
authentication: Optional
type: t3a.xlarge
- eu-south-1a
replicas: 3
name: bper-cluster
- cidr:
hostPrefix: 23
- cidr:
networkType: OVNKubernetes
region: eu-south-1
propagateUserTags: true
adminContact: Felice
- subnet-0614e4dc63daa00c6 #private
- subnet-0f48ac968e2afc137 #public
publish: Internal
fips: false
pullSecret: 'mypullsecret'
sshKey: mysshKey

After I have launche the create cluster command, the installation is ok after bootstrapping part but after bootstrap node deletion, the installation phase is stuck with the following debug and error:

INFO Waiting up to 40m0s (until 1:27PM UTC) for the cluster at to initialize...
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Multiple errors are preventing progress:
DEBUG * Cluster operators authentication, console, image-registry, ingress, monitoring, storage are not available
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-console-operator/prometheus-k8s" (790 of 872): resource may have been deleted
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-console/prometheus-k8s" (794 of 872): resource may have been deleted
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Multiple errors are preventing progress:
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "cluster-samples-operator-imageconfig-reader" (475 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "insights-operator-gather" (613 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "openshift-csi-snapshot-controller-runner" (314 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "system:openshift:scc:nonroot" (88 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "cluster-autoscaler-operator" (292 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "cluster-network-operator" (709 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:operator:kube-storage-version-migrator-operator" (377 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-authentication-operator/trusted-ca-bundle" (278 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-config-managed/grafana-dashboard-k8s-resources-workloads-namespace" (780 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-controller-manager-operator/openshift-controller-manager-images" (464 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-cluster-csi-drivers" (507 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-image-registry-ibmcos" (335 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-machine-api-ibmcloud" (188 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (539 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (43 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (644 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (237 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (399 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-cluster-version/cluster-version-operator" (7 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update infrastructure "cluster" (29 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update namespace "openshift-ingress-operator" (361 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update namespace "openshift-nutanix-infra" (728 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update prometheusrule "openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator/kube-controller-manager-operator" (826 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update prometheusrule "openshift-machine-config-operator/machine-config-controller" (845 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-config-managed/cloud-credential-operator-role" (260 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-config/cluster-cloud-controller-manager" (139 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-network-operator/prometheus-k8s" (424 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-route-controller-manager/prometheus-k8s" (867 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-config-managed/machine-approver" (387 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-kube-scheduler/prometheus-k8s" (833 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-marketplace/marketplace-operator" (685 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update secret "openshift-etcd-operator/etcd-client" (76 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update service "openshift-apiserver/check-endpoints" (859 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update service "openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator/node-tuning-operator" (432 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update service "openshift-machine-api/control-plane-machine-set-operator" (178 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-apiserver-operator/openshift-apiserver-operator" (452 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-dns-operator/dns-operator" (718 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator/kube-controller-manager-operator" (121 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-kube-scheduler-operator/openshift-kube-scheduler-operator" (130 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-service-ca-operator/service-ca-operator" (700 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-authentication/oauth-openshift" (758 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-kube-apiserver/kube-apiserver" (815 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update storageversionmigration "console-plugin-storage-version-migration" (793 of 872)
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Cluster operators authentication, console, image-registry, ingress, monitoring, storage are not available
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Multiple errors are preventing progress:
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "cluster-samples-operator-proxy-reader" (477 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "system:openshift:scc:privileged" (89 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "insights-operator-gather" (614 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "openshift-ingress-operator" (362 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:controller:machine-approver" (389 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:operator:authentication" (279 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:operator:etcd-operator" (77 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-config-managed/grafana-dashboard-apiserver-performance" (818 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-config-managed/grafana-dashboard-namespace-by-pod" (781 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-machine-api/cbo-trusted-ca" (239 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-marketplace/marketplace-trusted-ca" (686 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/ibm-vpc-block-csi-driver-operator" (509 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-image-registry-ibmcos-powervs" (337 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-machine-api-powervs" (189 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (541 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (45 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (646 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (401 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-apiserver-operator/openshift-apiserver-operator" (454 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator/kube-controller-manager-operator" (122 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-kube-scheduler-operator/openshift-kube-scheduler-operator" (131 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator/kube-storage-version-migrator-operator" (379 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-machine-api/control-plane-machine-set-operator" (179 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-network-operator/network-operator" (710 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-service-ca-operator/service-ca-operator" (701 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update namespace "openshift-cloud-platform-infra" (729 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update network "cluster" (31 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update prometheusrule "openshift-machine-config-operator/machine-config-daemon" (846 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-cluster-storage-operator/csi-snapshot-controller-leaderelection" (316 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/cloud-credential-operator" (262 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator/prometheus-k8s" (434 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-config/cluster-cloud-controller-manager" (140 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-route-controller-manager/prometheus-k8s" (868 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update service "openshift-dns-operator/metrics" (719 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-controller-manager-operator/openshift-controller-manager-operator" (466 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-machine-api/cluster-autoscaler" (294 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-apiserver/openshift-apiserver-operator-check-endpoints" (860 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-authentication/oauth-openshift" (758 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-kube-scheduler/kube-scheduler" (835 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-network-operator/network-operator" (426 of 872)
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Multiple errors are preventing progress:
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "cluster-samples-operator-proxy-reader" (477 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrole "system:openshift:scc:privileged" (89 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "insights-operator-gather" (614 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "openshift-ingress-operator" (362 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:controller:machine-approver" (389 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:operator:authentication" (279 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update clusterrolebinding "system:openshift:operator:etcd-operator" (77 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-config-managed/grafana-dashboard-apiserver-performance" (818 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-config-managed/grafana-dashboard-namespace-by-pod" (781 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-machine-api/cbo-trusted-ca" (239 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update configmap "openshift-marketplace/marketplace-trusted-ca" (686 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/ibm-vpc-block-csi-driver-operator" (509 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-image-registry-ibmcos-powervs" (337 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update credentialsrequest "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-machine-api-powervs" (189 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (541 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (45 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (646 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (401 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-apiserver-operator/openshift-apiserver-operator" (454 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator/kube-controller-manager-operator" (122 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-kube-scheduler-operator/openshift-kube-scheduler-operator" (131 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator/kube-storage-version-migrator-operator" (379 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-machine-api/control-plane-machine-set-operator" (179 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-network-operator/network-operator" (710 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update deployment "openshift-service-ca-operator/service-ca-operator" (701 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update namespace "openshift-cloud-platform-infra" (729 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update network "cluster" (31 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update prometheusrule "openshift-machine-config-operator/machine-config-daemon" (846 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update role "openshift-cluster-storage-operator/csi-snapshot-controller-leaderelection" (316 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-cloud-credential-operator/cloud-credential-operator" (262 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator/prometheus-k8s" (434 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-config/cluster-cloud-controller-manager" (140 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update rolebinding "openshift-route-controller-manager/prometheus-k8s" (868 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update service "openshift-dns-operator/metrics" (719 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-controller-manager-operator/openshift-controller-manager-operator" (466 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update serviceaccount "openshift-machine-api/cluster-autoscaler" (294 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-apiserver/openshift-apiserver-operator-check-endpoints" (860 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-authentication/oauth-openshift" (758 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-kube-scheduler/kube-scheduler" (835 of 872)
DEBUG * Could not update servicemonitor "openshift-network-operator/network-operator" (426 of 872)
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Cluster operators authentication, console, image-registry, ingress, monitoring, storage are not available

I have error like this
time="2024-04-29T09:12:21Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.15.9: 487 of 872 done (55% complete)"
time="2024-04-29T09:12:21Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.15.9: 496 of 872 done (56% complete)"
time="2024-04-29T09:12:21Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.15.9: 498 of 872 done (57% complete)"
time="2024-04-29T09:12:21Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.15.9: 499 of 872 done (57% complete)"
time="2024-04-29T09:12:21Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.15.9: 500 of 872 done (57% complete)"
time="2024-04-29T09:12:21Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.15.9: 501 of 872 done (57% complete)"
time="2024-04-29T09:12:35Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Cluster operators authentication, console, image-registry, ingress, monitoring, storage are not available"
time="2024-04-29T09:14:35Z" level=debug msg="Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Cluster operators authentication, console, image-registry, ingress, monitoring, storage are not available"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator authentication Degraded is True with IngressStateEndpoints_MissingSubsets::OAuthClientsController_SyncError::OAuthServerDeployment_PreconditionNotFulfilled::OAuthServerRouteEndpointAccessibleController_SyncError::OAuthServerServiceEndpointAccessibleController_SyncError::OAuthServerServiceEndpointsEndpointAccessibleController_SyncError::WellKnownReadyController_SyncError: IngressStateEndpointsDegraded: No subsets found for the endpoints of oauth-server\nOAuthClientsControllerDegraded: no ingress for host in route oauth-openshift in namespace openshift-authentication\nOAuthServerDeploymentDegraded: waiting for the oauth-openshift route to contain an admitted ingress: no admitted ingress for route oauth-openshift in namespace openshift-authentication\nOAuthServerDeploymentDegraded: \nOAuthServerRouteEndpointAccessibleControllerDegraded: route \"openshift-authentication/oauth-openshift\": status does not have a valid host address\nOAuthServerServiceEndpointAccessibleControllerDegraded: Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused\nOAuthServerServiceEndpointsEndpointAccessibleControllerDegraded: oauth service endpoints are not ready\nWellKnownReadyControllerDegraded: failed to get oauth metadata from openshift-config-managed/oauth-openshift ConfigMap: configmap \"oauth-openshift\" not found (check authentication operator, it is supposed to create this)"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator authentication Available is False with OAuthServerDeployment_PreconditionNotFulfilled::OAuthServerServiceEndpointAccessibleController_EndpointUnavailable::ReadyIngressNodes_NoReadyIngressNodes::WellKnown_NotReady: OAuthServerServiceEndpointAccessibleControllerAvailable: Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused\nReadyIngressNodesAvailable: Authentication requires functional ingress which requires at least one schedulable and ready node. Got 0 worker nodes, 1 master nodes, 0 custom target nodes (none are schedulable or ready for ingress pods).\nWellKnownAvailable: The well-known endpoint is not yet available: failed to get oauth metadata from openshift-config-managed/oauth-openshift ConfigMap: configmap \"oauth-openshift\" not found (check authentication operator, it is supposed to create this)"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator baremetal Disabled is False with : "
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager TrustedCABundleControllerControllerAvailable is True with AsExpected: Trusted CA Bundle Controller works as expected"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager TrustedCABundleControllerControllerDegraded is False with AsExpected: Trusted CA Bundle Controller works as expected"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager CloudConfigControllerAvailable is True with AsExpected: Cloud Config Controller works as expected"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager CloudConfigControllerDegraded is False with AsExpected: Cloud Config Controller works as expected"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager CloudControllerOwner is True with AsExpected: Cluster Cloud Controller Manager Operator owns cloud controllers at 4.15.9"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator console Degraded is True with ConsoleDefaultRouteSync_FailedAdmitDefaultRoute::DownloadsDefaultRouteSync_FailedAdmitDefaultRoute::OAuthClientsController_SyncError::RouteHealth_RouteNotAdmitted::SyncLoopRefresh_FailedIngress: ConsoleDefaultRouteSyncDegraded: no ingress for host in route console in namespace openshift-console\nDownloadsDefaultRouteSyncDegraded: no ingress for host in route downloads in namespace openshift-console\nOAuthClientsControllerDegraded: no ingress for host in route console in namespace openshift-console\nRouteHealthDegraded: console route is not admitted\nSyncLoopRefreshDegraded: no ingress for host in route console in namespace openshift-console"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator console Available is False with RouteHealth_RouteNotAdmitted: RouteHealthAvailable: console route is not admitted"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator console EvaluationConditionsDetected is Unknown with NoData: "
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator image-registry Available is False with DeploymentNotFound: Available: The deployment does not exist\nNodeCADaemonAvailable: The daemon set node-ca has available replicas\nImagePrunerAvailable: Pruner CronJob has been created"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator image-registry Progressing is True with Error: Progressing: Unable to apply resources: unable to sync storage configuration: unable to get cluster minted credentials \"openshift-image-registry/installer-cloud-credentials\": secret \"installer-cloud-credentials\" not found\nNodeCADaemonProgressing: The daemon set node-ca is deployed"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator image-registry Degraded is True with Unavailable: Degraded: The deployment does not exist"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator ingress Available is False with IngressUnavailable: The \"default\" ingress controller reports Available=False: IngressControllerUnavailable: One or more status conditions indicate unavailable: DeploymentAvailable=False (DeploymentUnavailable: The deployment has Available status condition set to False (reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable) with message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.), DNSReady=False (NoZones: The record isn't present in any zones.)"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator ingress Progressing is True with Reconciling: ingresscontroller \"default\" is progressing: IngressControllerProgressing: One or more status conditions indicate progressing: DeploymentRollingOut=True (DeploymentRollingOut: Waiting for router deployment rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replica(s) are available...\n).\nNot all ingress controllers are available."
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator ingress Degraded is True with IngressDegraded: The \"default\" ingress controller reports Degraded=True: DegradedConditions: One or more other status conditions indicate a degraded state: DeploymentAvailable=False (DeploymentUnavailable: The deployment has Available status condition set to False (reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable) with message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.), DeploymentReplicasMinAvailable=False (DeploymentMinimumReplicasNotMet: 0/1 of replicas are available, max unavailable is 0: Some pods are not scheduled: Pod \"router-default-7f9fc9b567-k9r96\" cannot be scheduled: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had untolerated taint { }. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.. Make sure you have sufficient worker nodes.), DNSReady=False (NoZones: The record isn't present in any zones.), CanaryChecksSucceeding=Unknown (CanaryRouteNotAdmitted: Canary route is not admitted by the default ingress controller)"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator ingress EvaluationConditionsDetected is False with AsExpected: "
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator insights ClusterTransferAvailable is False with NoClusterTransfer: no available cluster transfer"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator insights Disabled is False with AsExpected: "
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator insights SCAAvailable is True with Updated: SCA certs successfully updated in the etc-pki-entitlement secret"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator kube-apiserver EvaluationConditionsDetected is False with AsExpected: All is well"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator monitoring Available is False with UpdatingPrometheusOperatorFailed: UpdatingPrometheusOperator: reconciling Prometheus Operator Admission Webhook Deployment failed: updating Deployment object failed: waiting for DeploymentRollout of openshift-monitoring/prometheus-operator-admission-webhook: context deadline exceeded"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator monitoring Degraded is True with UpdatingPrometheusOperatorFailed: UpdatingPrometheusOperator: reconciling Prometheus Operator Admission Webhook Deployment failed: updating Deployment object failed: waiting for DeploymentRollout of openshift-monitoring/prometheus-operator-admission-webhook: context deadline exceeded"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator monitoring Progressing is True with RollOutInProgress: Rolling out the stack."
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator network ManagementStateDegraded is False with : "
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator network Progressing is True with Deploying: Deployment \"/openshift-cloud-network-config-controller/cloud-network-config-controller\" is waiting for other operators to become ready\nDeployment \"/openshift-network-diagnostics/network-check-source\" is waiting for other operators to become ready"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=info msg="Cluster operator storage Progressing is True with AWSEBSCSIDriverOperatorCR_AWSEBSDriverControllerServiceController_Deploying: AWSEBSCSIDriverOperatorCRProgressing: AWSEBSDriverControllerServiceControllerProgressing: Waiting for Deployment to deploy pods"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster operator storage Available is False with AWSEBSCSIDriverOperatorCR_AWSEBSDriverControllerServiceController_Deploying: AWSEBSCSIDriverOperatorCRAvailable: AWSEBSDriverControllerServiceControllerAvailable: Waiting for Deployment"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="Cluster initialization failed because one or more operators are not functioning properly.\nThe cluster should be accessible for troubleshooting as detailed in the documentation linked below,\n\nThe 'wait-for install-complete' subcommand can then be used to continue the installation"
time="2024-04-29T09:48:18Z" level=error msg="failed to initialize the cluster: Cluster operators authentication, console, image-registry, ingress, monitoring, storage are not available"

I hope you will understand, thanks :)
