Not supported by a valid subscription

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Hello there,

currently working on automation for our RHEL9 templates and hosts. We use the combination of '--org' and '--activationkey' and because of that, the option '--auto-attach' is out of the question. Here are the steps we take :

$ /sbin/subscription-manager register --force --org xxxxxxxxx --activationkey xxxxxxxxxxxx
The registered system name is: <FQDN>
Installed Product Current Status:
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64
Status:       Not Subscribed

Unable to find available subscriptions for all your installed products.
$ /sbin/subscription-manager attach --pool 2c9xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Successfully attached a subscription for: Extended Update Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Physical or Virtual Nodes)

Though it looks fine, the status is anything but fine:

$ /sbin/subscription-manager status
   System Status Details
Overall Status: Invalid

Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64:
- Not supported by a valid subscription.

System Purpose Status: Mismatched
- The requested role "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" is not provided by a currently consumed subscription.
- The requested usage preference "Production" is not provided by a currently consumed subscription.
- The service level preference "Standard" is not provided by a currently consumed subscription.

We've already tried 'unregister', 'clean', and 'remove --all' and even manually removing '/etc/rhsm/syspurpose/syspurpose.json' too many times. The result is the same...

Originally we intended to use ansible (IaC) for registration, unfortunatelly had no success in our endeavors:

- name: Register and attach to the subscription (needs proxy)
    state: present
    org_id: "{{ rhel_organization_id }}"
    activationkey: "{{ rhel_activation_key }}"
    pool_ids: "{{ rhel_pool_id }}"
    server_proxy_hostname: "{{ proxy_host }}"
    server_proxy_port: "{{ proxy_port }}"
    server_proxy_scheme: "{{ proxy_schema }}"
    force_register: true
      usage: "{{ rhel_sys_purpose }}"
      role: "{{ rhel_role }}"
      service_level_agreement: "{{ rhel_sla }}"
      sync: true

Any suggestion would be most welcome.

