RHEL8.8 VM Kickstart error - error setting up software source
I'm having issues with installing RHEL 8.8 on a VM using a Kickstart file. I've tried a number of adjustments but have not been able to find a root cause to the issue. I used a very similar Kickstart file on AlmaLinux 8 before and did not have issues.
First, here is the shell script I use on my KVM host to launch the installation:
## Define variables
MEM_SIZE=2048 # Memory setting in MiB
VCPUS=2 # CPU Cores count
OS_VARIANT="rhel8.8" # List with osinfo-query os
ISO_FILE="/home/isos/rhel-8.8-x86_64-dvd.iso" # Path to ISO file
echo -en "Enter vm name: "
read VM_NAME
echo -en "Enter virtual disk size : "
sudo virt-install \
--name ${VM_NAME} \
--memory=${MEM_SIZE} \
--vcpus=${VCPUS} \
--os-type ${OS_TYPE} \
--location ${ISO_FILE} \
--disk path=/home/images/${VM_NAME}.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,size=${DISK_SIZE} \
--network bridge=br0 \
--graphics=none \
--os-variant=${OS_VARIANT} \
--console pty,target_type=serial \
--extra-args "inst.ks=http://<LAN_IP>/rhel8-ks_VM.cfg console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
# --initrd-inject rhel8-ks_VM.cfg --extra-args "inst.ks=file:/root/rhel8-ks_VM.cfg console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
# --extra-args="ks=http://<LAN_IP>/Alma8-ks_VM.cfg console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" --check all=off
Next is my Kickstart file:
# Use text mode install
repo --name="Minimal" --baseurl=file:///run/install/sources/mount-0000-cdrom/Minimal
# System language
lang en_US.UTF-8
# Network information
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=enp1s0 --noipv6 --activate --onboot=on
# Use CDROM installation media
# Testing per Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1920574
harddrive --partition=vdb --dir=/
# Run the Setup Agent on first boot
firstboot --enable
# Do not configure the X Window System
ignoredisk --only-use=vda
# System bootloader configuration
bootloader --append="crashkernel=auto" --location=mbr --boot-drive=vda
# Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=vda
# Intended system purpose
syspurpose --role="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" --sla="Self-Support" --usage="Development/Test"
# System timezone
timezone America/New_York --isUtc
# Disable SELinux
selinux --disabled
# Disable firewall
firewall --disabled
# Root password
rootpw --iscrypted "encrypted_password_goes_here"
user --groups=wheel --name=ed --password="encrypted_password_goes_here" --iscrypted --gecos="ed"
%addon com_redhat_kdump --enable --reserve-mb='auto'
subscription-manager register --username="my_username" --password="password_goes_here"
pwpolicy root --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty
pwpolicy user --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --emptyok
pwpolicy luks --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty
As you can see in the KS file I was using the cdrom tag but attempted to try an alternate method I found in the Red Hat Bugzilla.
The attached image is what I am seeing in the console.
Any assistance in correcting this KS issue would be greatly appreciated.