Problem: package fwupd-1.5.9-1.el8_4.x86_64 obsoletes dbxtool < 9 provided by dbxtool-8-5.el8_3.2.x86_64

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I've been at this for a couple of days now trying to resolve dependencies etc, and I think I'm finally almost there.

I'm using composer-cli to create a qcow2 image. The depsolve passes no problem, but when I try to "composer-cli compose start qcow2", I get the error in the subject.

Before I run any composer-cli command, I always run the following to make sure any repo changes i made are picked up as well. It's probably overkill but at least I know i'm not missing anything:

sudo yum clean all
sudo dnf clean all
sudo createrepo /yum/channels/kronosnet-1.18-for-rhel8-x86_64-rpms
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/osbuild-composer/*
sudo systemctl stop osbuild*
sudo systemctl reset-failed osbuild*
sudo systemctl start osbuild-composer.socket
sudo systemctl start osbuild-composer.service

At this point I'm not sure how to proceed since fwupd package provides dbxtools as per the description of the rpm:

fwupd is a daemon to allows session software to update device firmware on
the local machine.

You can either use a GUI software manager like GNOME Software to view and apply
updates, the command line tool or the system D-Bus interface directly.

Other than removing the fwupd package from my .toml file, is there anything I can do to make qcow2 generation work?

Thank you,
