Help Upgrading from 6.4 update 21 to update 22

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Trying to update JBOSS EAP from 6.4.21 to 6.4.22. This is on a RHEL 6 system. I run the "patch apply" command and it says:

WARNING JBOSS_HOME may be pointing to a different installation - unpredictable results may occur.

Conflicts detected: sun.jdk:main
Use the --override-all, --override=[] or --preserve=[] arguments in order to resolve the conflict.

So I'm wondering if I should be concerned about the WARNING, and also can't seem to find documentation on this override, or even if I should override it in the first place. Can someone explain why I'm getting this conflict with sun.jdk:main? I'm just taking over this project so I don't have experience with updating JBOSS.

