How to create a new host using the assigned hostname with Satellite?

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I have DNS and DHCP set up correctly in my environment so that the VMs which are created get a hostname like and and so on. The names resolve forwards and backwards. I am not using Satellite to update DNS, as it's run on a different machine and I kinda don't want to muck with a naming convention that has worked perfectly for years.

When I create a new host (actually a new VM on a KVM hypervisor) in Satellite, it randomly generates a name like becky-isassi or adam-labruzzo. I don't want that. I want it to just use the hostname that it gets through the DHCP address it gets.

The real pain in the backside is, when it first builds the VM, I see the correct hostname (the one assigned by DHCP and DNS) in the Satellite UI, but it becomes orphaned. When I delete the orphan, it screws up my VM and I wind up having to re-register it. It's very frustrating.

Is there any way to tell Satellite to just use the assigned hostname? I have been poring over the docs and am probably just not looking for the right term. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
