NFS mount gives errors to do with Kerberos

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Hi everybody,

I just installed NFSD on an RHEL7.9 server.

# yum install nfsd
# systemctl enable nfsd && systemctl start nfsd
# echo "/nfs/test,insecure,no_subtree_check,root_squash,mp)">/etc/exports
# exportfs -av
# exporting

All good.

On the same NFS server I did a:

# mount -t nfs /mnt

The errors in /var/log/messages were:

nfs-server1 rpc.gssd[1113]: ERROR: gssd_regresh_krb5_machine_credential: no usable key entry found in keytab /etc/krb5.keytab for connection with host nfs-server1

I have SSSD running for user authentication with Active Directory. This is all.

How can I get NFS not to use Kerberos. It's not helping.

Regards, S
