RHEL 9 on UTM on Apple Silicon- the networking part

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So I am following "steps" laid out in this tutorial on installing Ansible within a RHEL virtual install:

The tutorial is deceitfully simple and it'll take some trial and error to get the installation to work. First snag one could hit is the architecture for which ISO is made. Tutorial doesn't mention it: you'll need aarch64 ISO for the UTM virtualization to work. How to get the aarch64 ISO is also not mentioned in the article.
Next is the mention of choosing the bridged connection for the VM's networking connection type. It won't work right from the start. During install and post-install. And it's not RHEL's fault, UTM simply has documentation for which the word "spartan" is an overstatement. There was no immediate way to get networking to work with that mode enabled so I gave up on it in favor of Shared.
Has anyone experimented around with those networking modes in UTM and documented the experience? The above mentioned article from Enable Sysadmin got me intrigued about virtualizing Linux on Apple Silicon, sadly it isn't much of a guide- just a teaser.
