Content View versions lacking errata, shows No applicable errata

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In Satellite there is a content view for RHEL 7 with versions that for some reason contains no errata information. This is affecting the two most recent CV versions, though the prior versions showed errata data fine.

If I look at the list of repositories enabled for the CV in general (not in a version), the count of errata for each repo show correctly. When I view the repository list for the CV version, it correctly shows the number of packages for each repo, but there is no errata info for any of the repos. Consequently, all of my content hosts that use this CV show package updates but no errata applicability.

See images below for detail. Haven't had any product/repo sync issues as far as I am aware. Anyone have an idea what might cause this to occur?

1 - No errata in the CV version repo list:


2 - Errata shown in the CV repo list:


3 - No errata applicability for content host:


4 - Difference in recent CV versions:

