RH Satellite Content sync using RH Ansible

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I am starting in Ansible integration with RH Satellite. I am trying to do syncing of repository of redhat satellite using ansible playbook. anyone here encounter this error

fatal: [rhsatellite]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "error": {"displayMessage": "Unable to synchronize any repository. You either do not have the permission to synchronize or the selected repositories do not have a feed url.", "errors": ["Unable to synchronize any repository. You either do not have the permission to synchronize or the selected repositories do not have a feed url."]}, "msg": "Error while performing sync on products: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: https://rhelsatellite.mf.local/katello/api/products/4/sync"}

i have attached screenshot of my playbook
On my rh satellite i have content views with the repository as well
i am using the admin user which can synchronize repository via gui
