Duplicate ping responses
I have been working on setting up a lab with two VM's using RHEL9. The installation completes without any errors. Both host machines that I used are running Linux mint 20.3 with kernel 5.4.0-113.
Once I reboot into the OS the guest doesn't have a network connection. I have tried using a different computer as well as switching from Virtual Box to VMware and changing the network adapter form bridged to NAT. None of these changes seem to make a difference, in establishing a network connection.
When I try pining I can reach outside hosts but receive duplication errors (see first attached screenshot).
I also tried running a tracepath for more information and am seeing duplicates in the hop information (see second screenshot). After 30 hops the tracepath ends and says there were too many hops.
What makes me think this is a Red Hat issue is that when I try visualizing Antix Linux I have a network connection and have no issue with duplicate pings.
Please let me know if I can include an additional information, and thanks for the help.