NFS "execution time" statistic. Anyone knows what it means?

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Hello all,


I'm looking into a performance issues for NFS volumes on RHEL 5.6; the volumes are served from a NetApp NAS device.  During times of heavy load on the NFS shares (approximately 6000 ops/sec) we are seeing IO wait times go up.  We are using NFSv3 with the following mount options...




When loads are light the nfsiostat command shows the "round trip time" and "average execution" time to be pretty much identical. For example...


op/s  rpc bklog

 642.25  0.00

read:   ops/s   kB/s    kB/op  retrans  avg RTT (ms)  avg exe (ms)
        0.500   2.125   4.250  0 (0.0%) 0.500         0.500
write:  ops/s   kB/s    kB/op  retrans  avg RTT (ms)  avg exe (ms)
        19.000  140.505 7.395  0 (0.0%) 0.579         0.618
When under load the "avg exe" value begins to be much longer than the RTT...
op/s  rpc bklog

2913.75  44.62

read:    ops/s    kB/s      kB/op  retrans  avg RTT (ms)  avg exe (ms)
         129.250  4136.312  32.002 0 (0.0%) 23.567        36.025
write:   ops/s    kB/s      kB/op  retrans  avg RTT (ms)  avg exe (ms)
         2211.750 70927.435 32.068 0 (0.0%) 4.050         65.749


Does anyone know what the actual difference is between RTT and Average-execution-time?
