RHEL HA VM cluster v2v to RHEV

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We have numerous RHEL5 HA VM clusters which are home to several hundred RHEL5 VM's.  The VM's use raw CLVM devices for storage.


VM configuration files (guest.xml) are held in a GFS clustered filesysems shared by the cluster nodes, as per RH recommendations.


I've created RHEL6 VM to be used as a virt-v2v stage which can communicate freely with both the RHEV Export storage domains and the RHEL HA VM clusters.


I would like to use the virt-v2v tool to migrate the VM's from the RHEL5 HA VM cluster to a nice new RHEV environment.


The V2V Guide appears to cover migrations from a standalone KVM server but not a clustered KVM server environment and I'm hitting numerous problems and issues when trying.


Before I spend anymore time doing so, are you able to tell me if virt-v2v supports this type of migration ?

(I do hope so!)



