IPA integration issue with RHEV

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Hi Team, 


I have a machine named manager.rhevdemo.com and I have instlled a virtual machine by the name ad.rhevdemo.com. After that I have done authentication of AD with my manager for the user authentication.


Now I have installed a separate virtual machine wuth RHEL6.2  and installed the IPA server with DNS as mentioned in the reference architecture on the same server where the machine name is ipa.rhdemo.com (with a different domain name). Now when I restarted my IPA virtual machine and issued the command "kinit admin" I receieved an error "kinit: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'RHDEMO.COM' while getting initial credentials"

I have already updated my managers and ipa servers with /etc/hosts entries
Kindly suggest how to go ahead and if I have done something worng here?
