RHEV Hypervisor registration with RHEV Manager

Latest response
  • RHEV-M won't add RHEV-H 6.2b hosts out of the box.  The RHEV-M message is "install failed.  Consult logs for details" -- although it doesn't specify which logs, and I've been unable to find anything useful on the RHEV-M box.
  • RHEV-H 6.2b won't register with RHEV-M 3.0b out of the box.  It tries to get a bunch of things from /var/www/html on the -M box, which fails, as that dir is empty.  Copying the files from /var/lib/jbossas/server/rhevm-slimmed/deploy/ROOT.war/ helps, but the SSL negotion still fails.
  • Even when the above SSL error is fixed, it's still impossible to register the host to RHEV-M as it tries to call /RHEVManagerWeb
