Any LVM Wizards Out There

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Right now, it seems like my Google-fu is failing me. A task that used to be fairly trivial on Solaris is utterly eluding me on Linux. Specifically, how does one extract a fileystem, intact, from an LVM container so as to be able to directly mount it from the underlying /dev/sd device?


Basically, I'm looking to avoid the whole Towers of Hanoi exercise of moving the data from disk-to-disk. If I knew what blocks on disk the filesystem's LVM structures pointed to, I could probably re-fdisk the device and mount the filesystem directly from the /dev/sd device. I know Linux's LVM uses a different partition tag (8e) for LVM versus native (83) partitions - just hoping that's a label rather than a geometry change.


Ideas? Am I clear in what I'm looking to accomplish?
