JBoss eap 6 with JBossws-cxf4: time to get a port

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When migrating my web service from JBoss as 5 using metro to Jboss eap6, I was evaluating the time to get a port. Using metro, the first call takes good time but the next calls takes about 10 ms.
In JBoss, the first call takes time(about 300-500ms and more), the others takes about 10ms-40ms-100ms,

and at every call I have this line in my log:
[org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean] (http-localhost/ Creating Service {http://server.org.../}myService from WSDL.

What Jboss is doing in every getmyServicePort() call, is it creating a new Dynamic Port, is it parsing my wsdl ?

I have put the re-write wsdl parameter to false in the standalone.xml to prevent the re-write of my address in the wsdl every time (even if it is wright). It has reduced the time for the first call.

So is there any solution to reduce the call to getmyServicePort()?

