Squid Caching support on mod_cluster
We're using mod_cluster as our load-balacing system between Jboss Core Services Apache http as Web Server and JBOSS EAP 7.2 as Application Server, on which we've deployed Liferay 7.2.
Everything works fine and from the cluster manager page I can see the various Jboss nodes and their deployed contexts.
We would like to add to this infrastructure a local CDN service provided by Squid, which will be installed on each Apache node.
We've tested this configuration already with Apache (with mod_jk) - Squid - Jboss with Liferay and has been working fine, but things are pretty different using mod_cluster.
I couldn't find any documentation about this integration. Is Squid as caching server supported by mod_cluster? Are there any sample configuration to integrate is as caching server in a mod_cluster enabled architecture?