Camel-jetty 2 way ssl authentication
I'm trying to make a 2 way ssl authentication from my laptop to a server where i have Fuse 7.5 and where i publish a route with a camel-jetty endpoint:
sslContext :
<camel:sslContextParameters id="ssl">
-- server ssl private key and certificate
<camel:keyManagers keyPassword="pwd">
<camel:keyStore type="PKCS12" resource="/opt/server.p12"
password="pwd" />
--- We require client to authenticate
<camel:serverParameters clientAuthentication="REQUIRE"/>
-- Trustmanager
<camel:keyStore resource="/opt/client.p12"
type="PKCS12" password="pwd1" />
The route :
<from uri="jetty:"/>
<to uri="http://...."/>
The route is working fine without client authentication, but when i add the client auth part, and try from java client or a browser (even after adding client.p12 to the browser), i have errors like
certificate unkown or bad certificate
The server certificate is a signed one ..the one in my laptop is self signed..
The file client.p12 was generated from the self signed certificate on my laptop like this:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out client.p12 -inkey client.key -in client.crt
Is this the right way to set the truststore?
Is the error occuring because the client certificate is self signed ?
What i m doing wrong ?
Do u have a working example to provide ?
Many thanks