Side by Side .NET Core Installation for Jenkins agent

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I am trying to figure out how to get .NET Core 2.1 and 3.1 within the Jenkins agent for OpenShift for .NET Core, but when I install the second version of .NET Core, when I run dotnet --list-sdks I only ever get one SDK listed.

When I look at there the packages are installed they are in completely different folder structures, unlike in Windows where they are together so this works out of the box after installation of any .NET Core SDK.

How do I go about doing this?

I can't find any good answers online or in the documentation. I saw something related to RHEL 8 having a new "dnf" call to install packages, but we are running on RHEL 7.

I need this as some of the global tools that I use for builds are using .NET Core 2.1, while my applications are .NET Core 3.1.
