"Installing Red Hat Virtualization as a standalone Manager with local databases" instructions wrong

Latest response

(RHV 4.3)
In Appendix A. Configuring a Local Repository for Offline Red Hat Virtualization Manager Installation

The code to run createrepo is wrong.

for DIR in find /var/ftp/pub/rhvrepo -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d; do createrepo $DIR; done;

should be

for DIR in $(find /var/ftp/pub/rhvrepo -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d); do createrepo $DIR; done

and the last snippet to create the yum.repos.d files is better written without the grave accent and the tralling ';'.


echo -e " " > $REPOFILE

for DIR in $(find /var/ftp/pub/rhvrepo -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d);
    echo -e "[$(basename $DIR)]"    >> $REPOFILE
    echo -e "name=$(basename $DIR)" >> $REPOFILE
    echo -e "baseurl=ftp://_ADDRESS_/pub/rhvrepo/`basename $DIR`" >> $REPOFILE
    echo -e "enabled=1" >> $REPOFILE
    echo -e "gpgcheck=0" >> $REPOFILE
    echo -e "\n" >> $REPOFILE
