RHEL 8 network config borked after initial install

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Took a few tries to get the installer to play nice but I eventually managed to get a basic workstation install running. Sort of. The installer doesn't understand an ipv4 address specified with a /26 at the end but a netmask of seems to be accepted. Regardless the installer totally skipped the ipv4 config and ignored my input for address and route and dns servers. So after the first boot I edited /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens32 to at least set a manual ipv4 config. That works on reboot however ipv6 is still around and very annoying and just in the way. So I edited /etc/default/grub and removed the annoying rhgb and added "verbose ipv6.disable=1" to the kernel options. That sorted out ipv6 and now I can see things at boot time. However there is no default route. The docs don't seem to work :


I created a file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-ens32 but it seems to be ignored with this content ( one trivial line ) :

default via dev ens32

That should work. However it doesn't. I think however the ip commands want "ip route add default via dev ens32" but the docs don't actually say that. I manually utter the "ip route add ..." and that sort outs things after boot but the config should stick somewhere. Are the docs wrong?

Anyways I was shocked to see no "xterm" anywhere? Wow. Also the GNOME interface is horrific. Just a horror show. Hopefully there is a LXDE or similar available.
