FreeIPA Windows Active Directory Two-Way Trust

Latest response

Good morning,
I have successfully configured a two-way trust with our FreeIPA server (RHEL7.6; IPA Server 4.6.4-10; SSSD 1.16.2-13) and our Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller.

I am able to authenticate Windows users against IPA without issue. However, I can't seem to authenticate IPA users against the Windows DC.

I have done verbose Kerberos logging and packet captures. I'm seeing KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY errors when I try to log into AD clients as an IPA user. I also see these Kerberos errors when I try to search for IPA users from AD.

I have done a lot of digging online and I can't seem to get a clear answer: is it possible to log into a Windows Domain with an IPA account hen a two-way trust is configured?

