Startup Scripts
I've been struggling with putting together a script that will power on virtual machines in order through RHEL. Would anyone happen to have a template or an example? Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is an example that I have but I'm having issues:
Function Set-VMWareVM {
param (
$VIServerCredentials = (Get-Credential),
#Loads the VMWare Module
Add-PsSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
#If Credentials have not been provided they will be prompted for and log in to VIServer will occur
if (!$VIServerCredentials)
Connect-VIServer $VIServer -Credential (Get-Credential)
#If Credentials have been provided, log in to VIServer occurs
Connect-VIServer $VIServer
#If the toggle is set to On, power on of machines occurs
If ($Toggle -eq "On")
#Foreach vm in the $VMName Array Get-VM is run to collect the VM object and piped into Start-VM
foreach ($vm in $VMName)
Get-VM $vm | Start-VM
#If the toggle is set to Off, power off of machines occurs
#Foreach vm in the $VMName Array Get-VM is run to collect the VM object and piped into Stop-VM
foreach ($vm in $VMName)
Get-VM $vm | Stop-VM
#Disconnects from VI Server