How to modify a deployed ( via webui ) overcloud ?

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Hi all
First time posting so please apologize for eventually errors.

After creating an undercloud, as per manual instruction, on RHEL 7.6 and OS 13.0.3, I spent some time and finally managed to deploy an overcloud with 1 controller and 1 compute node.
I would like, now, modify the overcloud by adding some option ( e.g. Netapp NFS Backend ) and/or adding a node ( compute or eventually ceph ).
I can modify the node count or the options I'm interessed in, but after that there is no "deploy" button or whatever would execute the action.

I don't believe I need to undeploy the previously deployed overcloud to achieve this.

I've also been able to export the overcloud plan with
"openstack overcloud plan export overcloud" and I can get a tar.gz containing ( presumibly ) the files used by tripleo to deploy my environment but nowhere I can find how I'm supposed to use them ( they are 1026 files, so obviously no chance to get them on a line or command, not easily though ).

Can someone share some infos on my problem ?

Thanks in advance

