My RHEL 7 Server unable to pull down RHEL 6 packages using reposync

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Was there a recent change that prevents me from pulling down rhel 6 repo packages to my rhel 7 server? This is used for offline rhel 6 servers. I was able to pull these packages using yum utils "reposync" up until Friday Oct 20th.

[root@rhel7-repo ~]# reposync -p /var/satellite/repo/rhel6-server-x86_64/ -r rhel-6-server-optional-rpms --downloadcomps --download-metadata -l
Loaded plugins: product-id, rhnplugin, subscription-manager
This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
Error setting up repositories: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from rhel-6-server-optional-rpms: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 403 - Forbidden

[root@rhel7-repo ~]# uname -r

[root@rhel7-repo ~]# subscription-manager status
System Status Details
Overall Status: Current
