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Hello I have a new satellite server 6.2 and recently I am getting 422 error, I ran the satellite-installer and retried without success. Before this error started I was able to register few servers to satellite

My satellite server is 6.2 and running on RHEL7.4

any help would be appreciated

running the following command

./ -l MyAdminAccount -p MyPass -s satserver -o ORGANIZATION -L MyLocation -g "MyHostGroup" -a MyActivationKey --force

[NOTIFICATION], [2018-05-10 04:50:39], [Writing FQDN katello-fact]

[RUNNING], [2018-05-10 04:50:40], [Calling Foreman API to create a host entry associated with the group & org]
An error occured: HTTP Error 422: Unprocessable Entity
code: 422
data: {
"host": {
"managed": "true",
"name": "iserver_san",
"ip": "",
"hostgroup_id": 4,
"organization_id": 1,
"mac": "00:50:56:87:62:A6",
"architecture_id": 1,
"location_id": 2,
"domain_id": 1
error: {
"error": {
"errors": {
"": [
"is invalid"
"name": [
"is invalid"
"id": null,
"full_messages": [
"Name is invalid",
"Name is invalid"
