POD scaling issue

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i am using openshift online to deploy the application a java application and postgres database. On first deployment both were getting deployed successfully but if am trying to redeploy any of the application again it is giving me below error :-

Quota limit reached.
Scaling may be affected. Check events

7:17:27 PM Warning Failed Create (combined from similar events): Error creating: pods "insults-3-lqmkc" is forbidden: exceeded quota: compute-resources, requested: limits.cpu=1,limits.memory=512Mi, used: limits.cpu=2,limits.memory=1Gi, limited: limits.cpu=2,limits.memory=1Gi
5 times in the last

Scaling up insults-3 from 0 to 1, scaling down insults-2 from 1 to 0 (keep 1 pods available, don't exceed 2 pods)
Scaling insults-3 up to 1

Any help is appreciated !!!!!!!
