Need advice on setting up logging system

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I need some guidance on setting up ELK or EFK. We have a collection of microservices setup and running within Openshift. All microservices produce logs. I am tasked with setting up a logging system to take the logs and process them.

I assume I need to setup a container for the logging system.

ELK or EFK the goal is to consume messages from a log file, store in elastic and create reports in the OpenShift environment.

Simple Use Cases
• As an admin, I need a report showing how many times a service was called in a given time frame.
• As an admin, I need a report showing how many times a service was called successfully in a given time frame.
• As an admin, I need a report showing the average time a service takes to process requests.
• As an admin, I need a report showing the lifecyle of a specific message (UUID).  The lifecycle will show each service called.

Log File
A log file will be generated by the API Gateway.   It will contain a message id (UUID), the service name, timestamp, and detail. 

The high level milestones will include the following:
- Deploy ELK on OCP
- Consume Log Files -  log files will contain messages generated from an API Gateway such as APIMan; the message will include a UUID key value, timestamp, service-name...  
Provide Metrics – report by the UUID or by service name

Any advice or links to helpful information would be greatly apprecated.
