Red Hat Satellite 6.2 to 6.3 upgrade issue

Latest response


I had and still have some issues while updating RH Satellite from 6.2.14 to RH Satellite 6.3.0

  • at first there where issue with NULL records in the Candlepin database.
    these got resolved by a Red Hat support case.
    Cause: incompletely removed products (I guess EPEL)

  • DCHCP syntax issues:
    Could be resolved by adding DCHP to a whitelist.
    Cause unknown

*APIPIE cache outdated:
Update: Issue resolved, after cleaning up the candlepin

*Puppetserver update:
--This fails, if you have /tmp mounted with the noexec option (not documented)

Be aware: some older puppet modules with version 3 specific syntax will cause issues. This is documented in the Red Hat Satellite 6,3 manual.

Keep you posted, about my upgrade path, must find some new Puppet modules for /etc/issue, /etc/motd and ntp configurations


Jan Gerrit Kootstra

P.S. New issue: RHEL 7.5 update fails due to rpm dependency conflict of krb5-libs.
