JBOSS 5.1 - AMDDriver64.exe - Spoosvc.exe - Vulnerability and Resolution
Dear JBossCommunity Members,
There has been issue with one of our server where the software installed is JBoss 5.1. JBoss 5.1 platform is full of security vulnerabilities and it’s 9 years old version and can be exploited in different ways which we are aware of the issue
Spoosvc.exe has been installed in the server using AMDDriver64.exe.
Spoosvc.exe is a Trojan Bitcoin miner / collector which steals Cryptos but also can collect data from a unit or a network where it has been installed, so we can’t be shure that the attackers / hackers doesn’t have our Loglink system logins and critical business data .
How could be scenarios to handle in these situations.