Exporting and Importing configurations
Hello RedHattians,
I've been recently put in charge of an infrastructure with a running RedHat 6.2
For some apparent reason, I'm not able to add new repos on existent custom products, and there is a bunch of processes that just hang for no apparent reason.
My option was to reset it and start anew, to get this infra back under control as we wanted, but alas, there is something that I can't just delete and re-create due to the lack of knowledge and also time (it will take a few weeks to learn, then a few others to implement and we can't afford the time) that is the current kickstart configuration.
So, I ask you guys, is it possible to export the configuration, reset satellite, create the activation keys, the products, the content views... anew, then import the kickstart setup?
Thank you for your time reading this, and for your help ;)