SCP Chroot user with SELinux Enabled using ssh keys

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This configuration was created to fill the requirement of having an account to scp data from a remote system. There are two packages (scponly and rssh) that are recommended when researching this on the net. Both provide the functionality described below, the goal of this undertaking was to understand the in-depth requirements and configuration for a very customized implementation of scp for secure environments.

This document assumes the firewall rules and ssh configurations have already been put into place on the server as well as other necessary operating system hardening configurations. The demo chroot location is /data/lockdown and the demo account is demo.

User Account Creation/Configuration
All actions below in this section are to be performed as the root user, or using sudo command structure.

-Create a local user account

useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /data/lockdown/demo demo

-Create the password for the user

passwd demo

-Ensure ownership and permissions are set for chroot jailing the user

chmod 0755 /data
chmod 0755 /data/lockdown
chmod 0755 /data/lockdown/demo
chown root:root /data/lockdown/demo

Chroot Jail Creation/Configuration
-Create the necessary directories in the chroot jail.

mkdir -p /data/lockdown/demo/{.ssh,bin,dev,etc,incoming,lib64}

-Fix ownership/permissions/SELinux contexts of the newly-created directories.

chmod 0750 /data/lockdown/demo/{.ssh,incoming}
chown demo:demo /data/lockdown/demo/{.ssh,incoming}
chmod 0755 /data/lockdown/demo/{bin,dev,etc,lib64}
semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t /data/lockdown/demo/bin
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/bin
semanage fcontext -a -t device_t /data/lockdown/demo/dev
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/dev
semanage fcontext -a -t etc_t /data/lockdown/demo/etc
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/etc
semanage fcontext -a -t lib_t /data/lockdown/demo/lib64
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/lib64

For RHEL 7 the following steps must also be performed

mkdir -p /data/lockdown/demo/usr/bin
chmod -R 0755 /data/lockdown/usr
semanage fcontext -a -t usr_t /data/lockdown/demo/usr
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/usr
semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t /data/lockdown/demo/usr/bin
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/usr/bin

-Copy the binaries for bash, scp, and ssh in to the necessary folder

cp -a /bin/bash /data/lockdown/demo/bin
cp -a /usr/bin/{scp,ssh} /data/lockdown/demo/bin

For RHEL 7 the scp command must be placed in /data/lockdown/demo/usr/bin

cp -a /usr/bin/scp /data/lockdown/demo/usr/bin

-Copy the necessary special files for chroot bash

cp -ar /dev/{null,ptmx,pts,random,stderr,stdin,stdout,systty,tty,tty0,urandom,zero} /data/lockdown/demo/dev

-Determine which shared libraries are required for chroot bash

ldd /bin/bash

The output should read: =>  (0x00007ffeb6ff4000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f8988e14000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f8988c10000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f898884c000)
        /lib64/ (0x000055d3be1c8000)

To copy the shared libraries ignore any line that does not point to another file (i.e., the “” line above) using the following command structure:

cp -p /lib64/{,,,} /data/lockdown/demo/lib64

-Copy one extra shared library required for the chroot environment
If this step is not done, the user will be able to ssh, but not scp!

cp -p /usr/lib64/ /data/lockdown/demo

-Determine which shared libraries are required for chroot scp

ldd /usr/bin/scp

Use the same procedure which was just used above for bash, but there will be many more files to work with in the output. Also make note that some of the output files will point to /usr/lib64 instead of /lib64. Regardless of their location, they must all be copied to “/data/lockdown/demo/lib64”! This means there is no need to create a “/usr/lib64” in /data/lockdown/demo. For RHEL 7 all files will be found under /lib64.
-Determine which shared libraries are required for chroot ssh

ldd /usr/bin/ssh

Use the same procedure which was just used above for bash, but there will be many more files to work with in the output. Also make note that some of the output files will point to /usr/lib64 instead of /lib64. Regardless of their location, they must all be copied to “/data/lockdown/demo/lib64”! This means there is no need to create a “/usr/lib64” in /data/lockdown/demo. For RHEL 7 all files will be found under /lib64.
-Populate etc/passwd in the chroot jail

grep demo /etc/passwd > /data/lockdown/demo/etc/passwd
chmod 0644 /data/lockdown/demo/etc/passwd
semanage fcontext -a -t etc_t /data/lockdown/demo/etc/passwd
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/etc/passwd

-Populate etc/nsswitch.conf in the chroot jail

cp -p /etc/nsswitch.conf /data/lockdown/demo/etc

Edit /data/lockdown/demo/etc/nsswitch.conf so that the passwd, shadow, and group lines read as follows:

passwd: files
shadow: files
group:  files

-Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to chroot the new user account
Add the following text block BEFORE ANY “Match” BLOCK since this will be username specific

Match User demo
        ChrootDirectory /data/lockdown/%u
        X11forwarding no
        AllowTcpForwarding no

-Restart the sshd service
Public/Private Key Generation/Configuration
-Switch to user account

su - demo

-Generate a keypair


when prompted, set the key name to: /data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/demo_rsa
Press the Enter key twice to generate the keypair with no password (or specify one if you want).
-Copy the contents of the public key in the the authorized_keys file

cat /data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/ > /data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/authorized_keys

-Ensure permissions on the newly-created authorized_keys file are set

chmod 0600 /data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/authorized_keys
semanage fcontext -a -t user_home_t /data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/authorized_keys
restorecon /data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/authorized_keys

-Switch back to the root account


Provide the username and PRIVATE KEY (/data/lockdown/demo/.ssh/demo_rsa) to whatever POC or system owner requires the account.

