Can self-hosted engine setup v4.1 used in production environment

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We are trying out installation of self-hosted engine setup RHV v4.1 in one of our lab servers and facing few stability issues listed below:
1) While adding an existing VM present on the other host to a self-hosted RHEV-M using RHV version 4.1 observed that manager crashed.
2) While doing a self-hosted engine setup, after configuring and running the manager the script is failing also sometimes services like ha-agent & ha-broker are not running.
3) In the RHEV-M GUI the data center is shown as "Uninitialized" and it is not automatically detecting its own host.

Please let us know if latest self-hosted engine setup is stabilized, in other words can it be reliably used in production environment.

FYI, packages that we are using are RHEL 7.3 and RHV 4.1
