Camel support for sending messages from Fuse console

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Good day all - I have a route configured to listen for a message on an AMQ topic queue. When I use a direct URL to connect to the JMS broker (e.g. something like vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false) the Hawtio console shows an ActiveMQ tab from which I'm able to send any old msg I want to my endpoint. However, the endpoint as displayed on the Camel tab won't allow an arbitrary msg to be sent from the console - instead, the warning "camel does not support sending to this endpoint". Warning seems to imply that there are in fact endpoints Camel can send msgs to from the console. But I can't seem to get any endpoint to accept a msg from the console.

I've found this discussion that seems to imply vm: is in fact one endpoint that Camel can send a msg to. And I've found this source code that throws the message I'm seeing only when Camel 2.14 is being used under the covers. Problem is, I'm running RH Fuse 6.2, and thus am using Camel 2.15.1 to try and send an arbitrary JMS message to a vm: endpoint. That all should work based on what I've found Googling around - and yet it does not.

Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? Also, the hawtio issue 1966 discussion says "endpoints that support remoting or has JVM visibility" ought to work along w/vm: and direct-vm:. Is there perhaps a list somewhere of endpoints that meet that criteria, e.g. that should be able to accept a msg from the hawtio console?
