Error "Unable to connect due to authentication failure" in EAP 7
Hi all,
Domain Controller...:
I'm trying to set up a test env of one Domain Controller and 2 Host Controllers using EAP7 ati Linux. The Domain Controller is up and running fine, but when i try to add a HC to this domain controller, i get the following error:
[Host Controller] 18:57:28,797 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) WFLYRMT0001: Listening on
[Host Controller] 18:57:29,034 WARN [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYHC0001: Could not connect to remote domain controller remote:// -- java.lang.IllegalStateException: WFLYHC0043: Unable to connect due to authentication failure.
[Host Controller] 18:57:29,034 WARN [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYHC0147: No domain controller discovery options remain.
[Host Controller] 18:57:29,034 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYHC0002: Could not connect to master. Aborting. Error was: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WFLYHC0120: Tried all domain controller discovery option(s) but unable to connect
[Host Controller] 18:57:29,120 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYSRV0050: JBoss EAP 7.0.0.GA (WildFly Core 2.1.2.Final-redhat-1) stopped in 79ms
[Host Controller]
18:57:29,481 INFO [ Controller.status] (reaper for Host Controller) WFLYPC0011: Process 'Host Controller' finished with an exit status of 99
18:57:29,486 INFO [] (Thread-8) WFLYPC0017: Shutting down process controller
18:57:29,488 INFO [] (Thread-8) WFLYPC0016: All processes finished; exiting
Here is my slave's "host-slave.xml", important parts:
<remote username="jbossadm" security-realm="ManagementRealm">
<static-discovery name="primary" protocol="${jboss.domain.master.protocol:remote}" host="${jboss.domain.master.address}" port="${jboss.domain.master.port:9999}"/>
<interface name="management">
<inet-address value="${}"/>
<interface name="public">
<inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>
The SSH is configured for the "jboss" operating system user and i am starting the HC ( as jboss user. The JBoss administrator, configured at installation is "jbossadm"
I am using the following startup script, at the slave:
./ -Djboss.domain.master.address= --host-config=host-slave.xml
... sorry, but i am quite new on the JBoss world.
Any help will be very helpful.