Trouble registering a system

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I have a recently built server that was originally connected to a different Satellite server to get its initial updates, and then was moved to a new network with a new Satellite server. I'm having issues registering the system to the new Satellite server.

The step in the host configuration guide where you run "rpm -Uvh" from the host you want to register said it failed to connect, so I found the RPM on the Satellite server, copied it over to the host, and ran the RPM to install the CA cert.

After installing the CA cert, I ran "subscription-manager register --org "Default_Organization" --activationkey "Test_Key"" (filled in with appropriate strings), and got an error "This system has already been registered with Red Hat using RHN classic".

I checked on the Red Hat portal itself and the hostname was not registered there. I checked on the Satellite server where it first got its update and that hostname was registered twice. I deleted both of them.

On the host I ran "subscription-manager clean" and "subscription-manager unregister". The 2nd command gave me the message "This system is currently not registered", even though the command above tells me its registered with RHN Classic.

This is the first system I'm trying to register to this new Satellite, so I'm sure I'm just missing some important detail.

Any suggestions?
