Cannot load NTFS partition with ntfs-3g installed, /etc/fstab configured and Hibernate mode off

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What problem/issue/behavior are you having trouble with? What do you expect to see?

I have Windows 10 in my computer and then I installed RHEL 7.2 as dual OS, and I cannot load my Windows 10 C:\ partition in my RHEL 7.2. The partition has 800+ GB. I have installed ntfs-3g and I have configured /etc/fstab with correct UUID of the partition. I have also turned off the Hibernate mode in Windows 10. Other partitions are loaded but the C:\ is not.

I will attach my /etc/fstab file. With the line for C:\ partition commented, I can get into the system and

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid


sudo blkid

shows me /dev/sda3, which is C:.

If I uncomment this line, I can get into RHEL but fdisk -l shows me nothing about /dev/sda3, it's missing; and ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid shows me in red /dev/sda3, meaning that it's not there.

If I do

stat /dev/sda3

I get an I/O error.

If I do

sudo partprobe

The red line is gone, I think it thinks it's a wrong mapping and erased it. But the problem persists.

I have posted a question in

Where are you experiencing the behavior? What environment?

I am having it in RHEL 7.2, dev version with free inscription of one year. And Windows 10 with newest update.

When does the behavior occur? Frequently? Repeatedly? At certain times?

It's constant.

What information can you provide around timeframes and urgency?

