Host Group Setup

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Hello Satellite Friends,

I wanted to run my host group configuration past some other people to see if what I'm doing makes sense or if I'm doing it wrong.

The setup:
I have two active data centers in different cities. Each data center has its own DNS, syslog, Satellite capsule, etc. Each data center has servers in them that can be in any life cycle environment. I have created puppet modules to manage things like DNS and syslog through Satellite, all that works.

When looking at my environment, I have decided to set up Host Groups (not to be confused with host collections) as a series of nested Host Groups. Please see the attached screen shot for an example of how I set it up. I think this setup will allow me to most efficiently utilize puppet to manage our many environments and locations. I'll be able to add new puppet module to dev and have it be available to dev servers in each data center, but yet be able to configure location specific things to every server in a specific location.

Does this make sense? Am I doing it wrong? I haven't fully transitioned from Satellite 5 yet, so now's the time to make changes.

