Satellite 6.1 Not Importing From virt-who

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New installation of Satellite 6.1 and I'm getting it set up on a RHEL7.2 server. I have virt-who running with proper access to the VMWare VCenter url. There are 1,869 Virtual Machines in the log file so I know it's logging in and enumerating correctly, just not importing the VMs into Satellite.

In checking the Satellite Console, Content Hosts which is where these should be showing up per the User Guide, I'm getting nothing.

Per the User Guide, there should be a key file for the ESX server in the /var/lib/virt-who directory but only the key file is there.

I'm using the config files in /etc/virt-who.d and ran the identify command to get the site id for the config file.

Everything appears to be set up correctly, just no hosts.

With all these Virtual Machines, I thought it might just be taking a while but nothing after several days.

I went out to the virt-who site to see if there were any conversations on the tool but there have been no emails for almost a year so it seems pretty quiet.
